According to our last election, Lisa, we're "outa
step" with more than the suburbs and hinterlands.
Why we even think war in Iraq is insanity. Gotta
hairshirt to spare?  Anyway, if someone wants to
waste corporate money, what can any of us do
about it? But I do hope you understand why this
is NOT a priority for public money. Taxpayers
aren't having any "fun" right now.

I watched the show on Channel 17 last night. Was
the List Manager there asking questions about
affordable housing?

I'm with Eva on the Franklin entrance. I've used
it more times than I can count and found it quite
useable.  Don't have a clue what Wizard Marks is
talking about on that.

Lynell Mickelson gets at the cultural static that
I've talked about. His "problem" is that he'd
rather memorize top 40 songs or work on his jump
shot.  And whose fault is that?  Basically, I'd
say the TV is the top culprit.  And not just
because Lynell owns one. Also because the kid's
PEERS own one.  And kids are very susceptible of
peer pressure.  We have a country with GARBAGE
VALUES folks.  Look at what a nurse or teacher
earns. And people complain about THAT!  Yet,
Kevin Garnett makes more in a year than a nurse
or teacher will make in their LIFETIMES.  And how
much hot air emits about that outrage!  So, why
WOULD the kid think more of learning than a jump
shot.  I think teachers are swimming UPSTREAM in
a raging river!  I congratulate them on every kid
they DO teach.  And I excoriate all the adults
who make it so hard by paying SO much attention
to entertainment and sports that the entertainers
are made cultural heroes. (Yeh, it makes me mad,
since I and other childless adults have to pay to
try to overcome those influences at school).

Another comment on access.  The more I read, the
more it seems to me that with suburban power now
entrenched at the state level, the Minneapolis
resistance to building more throughput for
suburban drivers on 35W is resurfacing disguised
as a "Minneapolis project".  The socalled
"access' is really a trojan horse for what
surrounding communities have tried to ram down
Minneapolis throats for years.  I noticed Carol
Molnau on TV last night hammering on increasing
highway capacity.  She left it to Tinklenberg and
others to talk about transportation alternatives.
 But her agenda is what Chaska and the other
outlying towns want.

Face it, folks, this is NOT what Minneapolis
asked for.  This is the Pawlenty-Day-Swiggum
project.  They managed to grab everything but the
Attorney-General's office; and now they think
that what residents of this city want is no
longer an important item.  And Lisa McDonald
chiding us for being "out of step" is simply more
fuel for that fire.  I guess Lisa thinks we
better give them the bigger gulch or we'll pay
for it elsewhere.  Is the tax increase the first
installment of suburbs sticking it to the inner
city through Pawlenty and the rest, Lisa?

Jim Mork 
Cooper Neighborhood 
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