People are right. Government programs did
undermine downtown.  For example, all those
government-built, limited-access roads that made
it so much EASIER to get to suburban malls than
to downtown stores.

Then there was the slow starvation of public
transit, the one conveyance that DID feed
downtown retail.

And then all those BILLIONS of dollars fed to
oil-producing regions to seduce or intimidate
countries to provide us with oil at attractive
prices.  THAT is what induced shoppers to jump in
their cars and drive 10, 15, 20 miles to a
discount store rather than drive or bus downtown.

There's no doubt about it.  Without all this
government "interference", the process of
replacing downtown shopping with shopping in the
suburbs never could have happened.  I hope the
retail chains appreciate the extent to which
their success is a product of government choosing
winners and losers in the retail competition.

Jim Mork----Cooper Neighborhood

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they will
 be called children of God"--Matthew 5:9

United for Peace

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