James E Jacobsen said:
I am fine with moderate protests, I have participated in them.
What's a "moderate" protest? Please don't tell me it's somewhere between a liberal protest and a conservative protest. I'm weary of that dichotomy.

But the situation here is that America has been hit by major
terrorism killing thousands of totally uninvolved innocent people and >doing mass destruction within the country.
It was hit by Al Quaeda agents supported largely by Saudi Arabia. 15 of the 19 plane hijackers were Saudi. Also, the Reagan administration funded Al Quaeda when the USSR invaded Afghanistan. American hatred abroad fueled by many years of murderous foreign policy was another ingredient. Throw in a poorly regulated air industry who didn't even have locks on the pilots' doors.

As well as the 9/11 event in New York City, a similiar thing was >narrowly averted in Seattle on Millinium New years. Medias reported >after 9/11 that Teleban types had checked out the Mall of America for >similiar treatment.
Thos medias are smart, aren't they?

The country declared to seek out terrorist threatening organizations
and destroy them.
Baloney. Bush was not ever serious about waging a war against terrorism. If he was, he would have closed the School of the Americas. Instead he invades Afghanistan, kills more civilians than died in America on 911, and accomplishes NOTHING! Nothing is better due to the Afghanistan blunder.

In that effort they have sent over 200,000 troops now to the Gulf region.
There is no connection between Saddam Hussein and terrorism. Osama bin Laden has criticized Hussein in the past and is no friend of his. However, seemingly because of racial stereotypes, much of the country still equates Al Quaeda and Hussein.

You can protest US actions to stop terrerism
Nothing has been done or planned to stop terrorism.

but what if then we get more terrorism. What if we get thousands of >totally innocent, uninvolved people killed by terrorism right here in >Twin Cities Metro area and these people, -young or old-protested >against trying to stop terrorism.
We can blame more selfish, abusive military actions by our chicken-hawk commander-in-chief for pissing off homicidal maniacs, when he should be taking measures to protect the country.

This is a huge issue and name calling by protesters against people
who don't agree with them and would prefer to be terrorism free is only
indicative of their own mental insecurity.
That's the plot calling the kettle black.

If you really wish to be "terrorism-free", you need to do some critically thought out research and ignore what the TV tells you. TV lies.

-Mike Jones

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