The Mayor continually displays quite an impressive politician's skill in playing to opposite viewpoints without taking meaningful action:
 The Mayor speaks out about police accountability and acts the friend to activists, while dismantling the Civilian Review Authority to the undoubted delight of his backers in the police federation and advancing no meaningful reforms.  Meanwhile he tries to fire Chief Olson, pleasing both the police federation and perhaps some naive activists, but again proposes no program for reforms in the police department.
- The Mayor becomes an outspoken opponent of the U.S. War against Iraq, attending demonstrations and rallies to the delight of peace activists.  At the same time he makes it clear that he will oppose any official action by the city to oppose the war, protecting himself from having to face any real controversy from pro-war folks.  Whereas many cities, including Chicago can pass an anti-war resolution, Rybak can pass as an anti-war activist while ensuring that Minneapolis takes no official position.
- Now the Mayor gladly shows his face at any events trying to address homelessness, so that he activists will again think he's there friends.  Meanwhile, he will not go on record with any positions about the city's legal and institutional oppression against the homeless.  Has the Mayor made any concrete proposal to commit funds, resources or other concrete action to address homelessness.  It seems that with all the focus on budget cuts, it would still be critical to make it clear that a civilized City will not allow many dozens of people to die in the cold due, and permit children to not have a home.  If there have been any initiatives, I missed them - please fill me in.  (While I disagree with almost everything Vicky Heller says, her proposal to require taxpayer subsidized hotels and real estate developers to make room for the homeless is BRILLIANT!)  RT - will you actually demand the biggest capitialists in the City make a contribution?
I have waited patiently to give RT a chance to back his rhetoric, but his pattern of double talk has now gone on too long and too many times.  The problems that he is pretending to address are too serious to just pretend to address.  It is time to start calling him on issues.
Jordan Kushner
Golden Valley, recent and future Minneapolis resident. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: [Mpls] Exploiting a photo op versus taking a moral stand

In a message dated 1/18/2003 3:40:31 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The Mayor has a busy schedule, and unfortunately we can't accommodate every scheduling request. As I mentioned in my phone conversation, Mayor Rybak intends to attend the campout on

Ms. Sether I anticipated your (or the Mayor's) "take" (excuse)on his breaking his word:
  1) Ms.Sether, he promised to do this he broke his word
  2) If he does stop by the campout he will be simply exploiting people who are poor and people who are homeless and their supporters for a photo op i.e. He will not answer my question as to what he thinks of the terrible Catch-22 that people who are homeless are put in---no place to go even for the barest (crappy) shelter except the streets, they are then breaking the city ordinances that make it illegal to sleep or camp in public places. I spoke to a couple the other night who have to sleep in their car (that is also againt the law.) He will not tell me if he supports or opposes revocation of these ordinances. Paul Ostrow has sent me in writing that he wants the ordinances to stay.
      If he thinks he is going to stop by, wave a little, look sympathetic, shame on him. It is time for the people who say they are leaders in this city to stop worrying about their political careers and more about doing the right thing.
       I am heading down to the overflow shelter tonight where the men stand out in the cold until 10p.m. and then are kicked out of the place (I still do not know if it was a former morgue or a former animal experimentation building--either way it is ironic)... and I do not think a photo op with the Mayor is what they need either.
  3) Ms. Sether, the Mayor has not said word one as to whether he has told the police to not arrest us at the campout... not a word despite my repeated inquiries to him. Believe me, there are those of us willing to be arrested. Would the Mayor risk arrest to stand together with people who are homeless? Police brutality against people who are homeless and people who are poor is one of the most under-reported areas of police abuse in this city.
         So, please tell the Mayor if her shows up, bring a tent , a sleeping bag and a conscience when I ask him (while my film crew is taping) : Will you help us repeal these terrible laws and will you demand opening up of any and all empty buildings in this city so people can begin building homes (both physically and emotionally)?
       Royalty goes among "the masses and deigns to make appearances" leaders of conscience take action.
       Walk'in the Talk Is Not A Photo Op!!!!!!
                  Margaret Hastings-Mpls.-Kingfield

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