On Wed, 22 Jan 2003, Tim Bonham wrote:

> Vicky's idea here is as senseless as Jesse Ventura's unicameral plan.
>          Reducing the number of elected representatives just makes it much
> harder to reach them.  .....

Three reps are cheaper than 13. My plan reduces the number to zero(0).

We instead construct, with endless cost overruns, a large municipal ouija
board & auditorium, with skyboxes, run by the Oiuja Board (made up of
prominent (ie rich) citizens).

The public is lured in with a joint rock music/monster truck rally. The
main event is well-placed developers moving the ouija piece over the
board, divining which projects and for how many millions the city will
subsidize. Their pronouncements will be final, binding, committing.  Tax
bills will immediately be mailed out to all residents, payable within 24
hours or else.

This plan will in the twinkling of an eye cost all of us, except of course
the well-placed developers and Ouija Board officials, all our income,
house, car, clothes, food, valuable baseball cards, etc -- but we all go
smiling to the poorhouse knowing that not one red cent of it went to a

--David Shove
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