Margaret Hastings wrote:
Does anyone know the process involved in hiring Steve
Cramer for his current job in housing with the
Hennepin County Commissioners'

David Piehl writes:

My sources say that Steve Cramer and Peter McLaughlin
go way back - I'm suprised he didn't get a job on the
I-35W Excess Project too, given the number of
affordable homes that will be destroyed.

WM: If I'm not mistaken, Cramer was a city council member in Minneapolis for two terms, I think. He was also head of MCDA for a short time. Oddly enough, that makes him valuable to the county in a housing endeavor because he understands how the processes work. The fact that as a council member he may have represented the attitudes of his constituents toward the poor would not necessarily enter into the equation.

As I understand it, not having asked McLaughlin, both he and Cramer were employed by the Urban Coalition at the same time. I believe Earl Craig was the UC's Exec.Dir. at the time. This had to be back in the mid-80s, if not before. Of course McLaughlin, having been both a state representative and now a county commissioner, did have occasion to work with Cramer from time to time. That's what happens when you're elected to leadership positions. They might have sat next to each other in second grade too, if they're of like ages.
Despite any pretentions we may be entertaining about Minneapolis, 30 years ago it was mostly a small town and, in many ways, it still is. People who work in any given industry do wind up knowing other people in that industry. Democrats who win public offices do work with each other to push specific DFL goals. For all any of us know, Cramer and McLaughlin may hold each other in high esteem or may disagree on each and every point of good governance.
I've sat on elected boards and committees with you, David, and it hasn't change my opinion or yours one nickle's worth over ten years and better. Nor should anyone ever assume that we have gained comraderie simply by rubbing elbows or have swayed each other to concensus.

WizardMarks, Central

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