We have spent a lot of time discussing a display IN Minneapolis of an event that HAPPENED in Duluth.

Minneapolis does not get off the hook here.

For instance, I would be interested to find out why we northerners have a lake, a parkway, a couple beaches, a neighborhood, a shopping mall, and 20+ businesses all bearing the name 'Calhoun' - as in John C. Calhoun, former SC Senator, VP of the US and defender of "slavery, a positive good", in which he claimed, "Never before has the black race of Central Africa, from the dawn of history to the present day, attained a condition [slavery] so civilized and so improved, not only physically, but morally and intellectually."

Full text:

The city website is noticably absent of info of Calhoun's more notorious opinions:


Anybody know why there is nary a peep on this subject?

Eric Oines
North Minneapolis

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