AHA! Another one!
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I saw the same sort of person.  Actually I saw two of them.  They were
on my block, 3900 Pleasant, within the week.  They appeared to be
carrying identical probes, almost like a metal detector, and identical
small lunch-bucket-sized boxes on their belts.  They had their hoods up
so I couldn't tell if they had earphones on.  I took them for utility
workers since they followed a line straight from the sidewalk to the
side of a house and back out again.  They didn't appear to be looking
into windows or anything, and seemed to be moving steadily.  I thought
about asking them if they worked for Xcel but didn't. I wasn't close
enough to see if they had ids on their jackets.   Although they sent my
antenna up, in the end there seemed like a plausible explanation for
what they were doing.

Steve Brandt

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