There have been some comments lately about what I do in Minneapolis. Some have gone as far as saying that I simply ride on others backs so that I can elevate myself. There are a lot of people that always ask "what do you do." Some times I tell them, some times I do not. It has been my experience that some persons will lobby against my actions if they know what it is that I do, because of the persons that I most strongly advocate for. My heart is in working to assure that poor and underprivileged people in Minneapolis have a friend that is willing to speak and take action on their behalf in a number of different arenas. This is accomplished in a number of different ways. It is some times as simple as attending meetings to see if minorities are a part of the equation. Many times I am the only African American in the room. Other times the situation calls for action.

One such situation is the fact that in 1990 it was determined that over 50% of single, full-time, working black males were homeless. I conducted research and found that over 65% of single black males on SSI were also homeless. Concerned that being homeless also left many of these men separated from society and their families, I started a temporary housing program for them at my own cost. They pay low rent and opportunity to have time to advance economically in their communities by becoming more responsible. This has resulted in many of life being changed for the better. It affects the men, their families and the community. Some of them get off drugs, start to pay child support, go back to school, get professional counseling and so on. I also have a subsequent program that provides opportunity for them to earn extra income in the form of stipends. I have taken my family antique business and turned it into this program. You can support it by stopping by 3100 Chicago this summer and making a purchase :).

I work for my community full time (30-50 hr per week). I have also participated in economic development projects in south Minneapolis and learned a great deal from Basim Sabri about what it takes for a developer to produce grade a developments. The type of projects that he has produced are along the same lines as an African American mall that has been a dream of mine for over five years. The only difference is that I also want to include a business educational system. Whenever possible I like to learn how-to by being hands-on in my community so that I pass it on to others.

I provide payee services to 7 citizens that are on SSI. By doing this I help them to budget their incomes so that they have funding during the entire month. This enables them to have housing, food, clothing ect. I provide these services at no cost.

I consult with a number of grass root nonprofit organizations and small businesses. I assist with program development, grant writing, organization structure, by-laws, personnel polices, business plans, inspections, timelines, licensing, organization formation, ect. I provide these services to my community at no charge. However, from time to time I have received contributions for projects that I'm currently working on.

I'm known for being an advocate of non-profits implementing programs and projects that generate funds that can be utilized on their community service programs and organization operating budget. I have the capability to design programs that provide both service to the community and funds. I have received national recognition for this.

I have been an advocate for the poor and underprivileged when it comes to special interest incentive state and federal programs. One of these is the city of Minneapolis Empowerment Zone. Another is NRP. Currently I'm monitoring and expect to be involved in the governors tax-free zones.

I'm a poor man. But, the satisfaction that I receive from helping those in my community makes me feel complete. I truly believe that what I'm currently doing is my purpose in life.

I love children, I put strong focus on future leadership. I mentor 3 young men currently on a continuous basses. They are already very active in our communities.

True, what I feel is right is not always in agreement with everyone. But this is what make the United States of America so great, democracy. We all have a right to have our voice heard. I try to utilize my rights to help those that do not yet understand how to help themselves and use the current process to their advantage.

I really want to go into detail of other things that I'm involved in, but I'm not one to blow my own horn. In fact, this is probably the first time that I have revealed this much of what I do in my community. Below is a list of my affiliations over the past five years.

I never claimed to be a leader, but I do think of myself as an activist.

Midtown Greenway  (board member/associate)
Chicago/Lake Business Association (member)
Lake Street Partners (board member)
NCCED (member)
CNIA (President)
CNIA (Business development Chair)
Mo-Burton Co-OP (Board Member)
38th Street Task Force (associate)
Chicago/Lake Streetscape planning Committee (participant)
Somali Community Services (associate)
Minneapolis Foundation Voice Project (participant)
Central CDC (incorporator)
Chicago/Lake Safety Center Group (facilitator)
Minneapolis Empowerment Zone (lobbyist & Activist)
People United Against Police Brutality (activist)
38th Street Planning group (participant)
Peace Project (participant)
Quad Neighborhood Collaborative (participate)
Great Lake/ Chicago Corridor Block Club Network (President/CEO)
3100 Chicago/Columbus Block Club (participant)
Housing Minnesota (delegate)
Ferderal Mediation Now Inc. (incorporator, President/CEO)
United Citizens Commission (incorporator)
Minnesota Senior Federation (member)
Metropolitan Development Corporation (incorporator, President/CEO)
Minneapolis NAACP (member)
Northwest Alliance (member)
Chicago Lake Project Review Committee (member)
Tyesha Edwards Peace Project (incorporator)

While attending meetings as representative to the above organizations I interacted with a vast amount of organizations in Minneapolis and Nationally.

I have assisted 18 nonprofit organizations as a consultant and 51 businesses. Pro-Bono.
I have participated in the preparation of proposals for over 31 programs and projects. Pro-Bono

I've testified at the state level for:
Aid to prostitutes (4 times) to help them off the streets.
Empowerment Zone (4 times)
NRP (1 time)
Tax-free zones (monitor)

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