For clarification, every name on our website is not a death in Minneapolis or at the hands of Minneapolis police. The heading at the top of that page states "by Minnesota law enforcement officers" and includes deaths at the hands of St. Paul police and other police agencies. To read information on each case, simply click on the name. (I just found out day before yesterday that a few of the pages have fallen out of the stratosphere so that when you click on the names, they come up blank. I'm working to get that fixed.)

We are careful to be accurate with the facts and where those facts are in dispute, this is noted. There was an error on the Charles Berry listing, which has now been corrected. The Hayek and Yang listings were put up as placeholders until their pages can be developed. We have them correctly listed as St. Paul in our handouts and other literature. They have been corrected on the website now, too. Thank you, Mary, for keeping us on our toes!

One final note--under the MN Data Practices Act we recently received information from Internal Affairs and will be getting similar info from the CRA on the complaint records of every MPD officer. These are going up on our website as fast as possible. The hope is that you will be able to click on the officer's name and read a list of complaints and their outcome. If the complaint was upheld, you will be able to click on it and see a PDF of the actual complaint documents. If you want to see an example of what has been put up so far, go to The actual complaint documents will not go up until later as they have to be scanned into the site.

In going through this information, one thing seems clear: the vast majority of officers have no complaints at all, some have just a few complaints, and some officers have many, many complaints. Of course, this is just numbers right now--nothing about the severity of the complaints. But it does say something interesting that someone would have nine or ten complaints against them at the CRA and all of them would be ruled "unfounded." I've also noticed that the complaints tend to be clustered by year. An officer could have four complaints in one year and then go two years with no complaints and then have three complaints the following year. I'm not an expert but it suggests to me that the officer was going through some kind of personal crisis (i.e. divorce) and was taking the stress to his/her job. Maybe they need a better employee assistance program. This is something that bears further examination, toward getting at the root causes of brutality/misconduct.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr
Communities United Against Police Brutality

At 07:03 AM 6/11/03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Clarification - CUAPB attributes the deaths of Charles Berry (1995), William Hayek (2002) & Ki Yang (2002) to Minneapolis Police. Berry died while in a Wright County Jail and the Hayek & Yang deaths were a result of actions taken by St. Paul Police.

Mary Rainville
Victory Neighborhood

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