I'm sending Dyna's post to Bob Bennett, Ngo's attorney. He's a very sharp dude but I want to make sure he was aware of this angle. Thanks, Dyna!

At 11:49 PM 6/11/03 -0500, Peter T Schmitz wrote:
Dyna reports:

Commenting on Officer  Ngo's suit, Federation head Delmonico sided with
MPD and against injured  officer Ngo. This was a fatal mistake- under
federal labor law unions  have a duty of fair representation. Every union
officer who's on the ball knows about this. The duty of fair
representation requires that a union defend it's members even when they a
have a weak case and may  be  in the wrong.This explains why the union
sometimes is stuck having  to  defend "thumpers"- failing to defend would
leave them open to  lawsuit for failing in their duty to provide fair
representation.  The Police Federation's  leader made a fatal mistake
when he  ignored  his duty to defend all his members and sided with the
employer instead of Officer Ngo. Officer Ngo could easily file a suit
against the union which other officers could join in a class action.
Unions do usually have deep pockets, so if the aggrieved officer members
prevailed they could end up with all the Police Federation's assets. At
that point  if  not earlier the international union would probably place
the local Police Federation in trusteeship until new leadership could be

Peter responds: Thanks for making my day, Dyna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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