I received this and thought others on the list would want to know about it.
Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr
Communities United Against Police Brutality
On Tuesday, June 24th at 5:00 p.m., Titilayo Bediako is holding a press
conference and protest at the 4th Precinct on Plymouth Avenue.  This is where
she went to get help for the police abuse of her son and they kicked her
out.  She will be announcing litigation against the City of Minneapolis.  It
will be followed by a community meeting/food will be served at the City, Inc.
Northside.  Tell others come if you can.

1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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