Who currently possesses the base of support remains 
to be seen; elections will continue to test that
allegation. However, the phenomenon of shifting
priorities is a direct result of the folks who
show up in DFL caucuses on precinct caucus night.

>From direct experience, I can tell you that the
state party's direction is determined by the grass
roots regular citizens who caucus DFL. So if you
think the DFL needs to take a more progressive
turn, organize to take it over on precinct caucus
night. That has certainly been done in the past.
It really is a wide-open tent for those who are
willing to working with the party for two years.
(Or really for one night, practically speaking.)

I think Gary can carry whatever sign he likes. He
certainly expresses my feelings re the old ****.

I want to strongly agree with Peter that we should
oppose covering up for "rouge cops." Those intrusive
arbiters of makeup have no place in my bathroom
cabinet. I insist on the right to wear as much
rouge as I want!!!

David Finke
Crack Alley
President, Hennepin County Nurses Association

Past DFL offices (with questionable distinction):
State Secretary Stonewall DFL & State Constitution Commission
Chair Senate District 61 (South Minneapolis)
5th Congressional District Board
Minneapolis Constitution Commission and Central Committee


> Jason, all your points are well taken. 
> Certainly, you and other like-minded folks can dismiss everything said by me
> or any other perceived extremist. But no matter what I think or say, right or
> wrong, the DFL is losing its base of support, and it's not because they are
> these poor, put upon centrists taking  blows from the extreme left and the
> extreme right that you make them out to be.  
> DFLers in Minneapolis are losing their base of support because social justice
> issues are not as big of a priority with them as excessively subsidizing big
> businesses (e.g., Target), covering up for rouge cops, and supporting unfair
> laws just to prove they're as tough as the Republicans.  
> Believe it or not, Jason, I'd be delighted to see the DFL succeed (it's not
> like I'm in love with the Republicans or have a lot of faith that the Greens
> are going to accomplish anything), but it ain't going to happen as long as
> they keep shifting to the right and insulting other politicians to whom they
> feel morally superior.  
> Again, if you're gonna thumb your nose at the classroom bully, make sure you
> can fight him or her on their own term.  The DFL needs to learn this lesson
> if they're ever going to reverse their losses.--Peter Schmitz
> 1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
> 2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the
> subject (Mpls-specific, of course.)
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1. Don't feed the troll! Ignore obvious flame-bait.
2. If you don't like what's being discussed here, don't complain - change the subject 
(Mpls-specific, of course.)


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