On Heritage Park environmental issues: I'm glad to see this being raised. As a health care worker from the deep south, I've seen first-hand the way environmental racism destroys the health and lives of people of color. I did home health nursing in "cancer alley," the chemical factory corridor along the Mississippi river upstream of New Orleans. One small town, for instance, had over a dozen children born with the rare "brittle bones disease" (osteogenesis imperfecta) birth defect within 10 years--statistically far out of what would have been expected for a town with a population of only a few thousand. Rates of various cancers for that area were similarly far out of proportion for population size and age.

The thought of people walking through yards of toxic material, tracking it from their shoes into their homes and then small children being exposed to it as they crawl around the house sends chills down my spine. So I'm glad people are taking this situation seriously. However, as a community member, I'd like to see the "goo" people are talking about examined so that it can be determined what it is and how best to deal with it. Dyna has stated that it probably is diesel oil and I have no reason to doubt it but, again, without proper identification it would be hard to know the source and solutions. Surely there are some environmental laboratories able to do the testing. Whatever it turns out to be, the city should then force the PERPS (as Dyna put it) to pay to clean up the area. Throwing houses and playgrounds on top of it will not make the problem go away.
Speaking of racism, it was my pleasure to participate in a nice demo this past Saturday evening outside of Market Bar-B-Que on Nicollet. Lest anyone continue in the notion that the incident that occurred with the family is isolated or just involves the particular employees, let me assure you the problem with the place is top down. The owner came out and stood on the sidewalk for almost two hours haranguing at the family members. At one point, he stated that the situation written up on the flyer we were handing out was essentially the same story relayed to him by his manager but he couldn't see why that was a problem. He didn't even have the decency to apologize OR invite the family to schedule a meeting with him to resolve the issue.

Now, I don't claim to be an expert in food service but seems to me the right thing for this man to say would have been "I'm sorry your visit to our restaurant did not meet your expectations. Could we please schedule a meeting to discuss how best to resolve this issue?"

The action was a great success, with many passersby honking their horns in support and with a good number of people deciding they would rather eat elsewhere and asking us about the other restaurants in the area. The next effort will be at Ribfest and I'll pass on the info once it is firmed up.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

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