At 03:40 AM 8/7/03 -0500, Jim Mork wrote:
I'm scratching my head. Could they REALLY have solved this shooting this fast? Have they just grabbed two guys who deserve to be locked up and will be easy to convict? I guess time will tell. If they aren't the real killers, maybe the real ones will skulk off elsewhere, but maybe not.
But, me, I always think it is IMPORTANT that the right people get locked up, as a preventive matter.

I've been wondering the same thing myself but haven't been able to follow the news closely enough to see if they have any real evidence on these guys. I hope this wasn't just a round up like after other high profile incidents.

Look around. Are you that convinced you want your "peers" deciding your fate? Can people too dumb to get out of jury duty deliver the justice you want?

Jim's points are well taken. There are better ways to do this. As a practical matter, though, go downtown and spend some time in court. What you'll see is all-white or almost all-white juries, a white judge, a white prosecutor and probably a white defense attorney, with the defendant being the only person of color in the room. I'm guessing most Black folks or other people of color would LOVE to be tried if front of a jury of their peers--it sure isn't happening now. In fact, friends of mine who are defense lawyers sometimes choose a bench trial (no jury, just the judge) if their client is Black or an immigrant. They feel that the white suburbanite jurors they get will not be fair to their client. The perspectives are just too different.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

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