I've been quietly following this thread and thinking about Dyna's dilemma. I don't know your personal business, Dyna, and I don't need to. But I do wonder if there aren't programs in which young folks or others provide house upkeep work for folks who have health problems as you've indicated that you have. Wasn't there something in the news about a woman on the northside who organized her neighborhood youth into such a service so that they would be gainfully employed for the summer? Maybe if you bought the paint, one of these services would send over a few folks to paint your trim for a reasonable price. You've indicated you need other work done but that's the thing you're under the gun for right now, right?

Just the thoughts of a (possibly ignorant) person who is too poor to own a home.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

At 01:14 AM 8/25/03 -0500, Dyna wrote:

On Sunday, August 24, 2003, at 05:58 PM, Chris Johnson wrote:

Or maybe she could consider selling her BMW motorcycle, her collectible Mini Cooper and/or her radio scanner to raise a little cash to pay someone to do the painting for her. I know lots of painters who have ladders long enough to reach her roof.

Gee Chris, I didn't realize you were collecting so much intelligence on me! The newest BMW motorcycle is a 1992 model, the other one is a 1984. Even with the sidecar I'd be lucky to get $5000 for both. Sorry, but I don't own a scanner- I've just been using the freebee extra receive range that has comes standard on virtually every VHF and UHF ham radio transceiver for the last decade or so. Radio Shack is about to come out with the new PRO-96 scanner that will cover MPD's new system, price in the $500 range... I'll pass 'til they get down to $100 or less. I paid $700 for the Cooper S in 1975 and the restored bodyshell it needs now is about $6000.

Sometimes trade-offs and sacrifices have to be made if one wants to own a home. Not everyone can afford to own everything they want.
Jim's right -- home ownership is not viable for everybody, as much as I believe that a high ratio of owner-occupied housing in any neighborhood improves that neighborhood.

Chris, selling everything you mention might raise $6000. The estimate I did for rehabbing my home came to $30,000 in materials alone and did not include painting or replacing the eaves or anything else above the windows. You seem to be ignoring a basic fact of economic- electronics and cars are cheap and houses are expensive!

Also Chris, your intelligence isn't that good- you totally missed Blackbird and the service truck, never mind the stealth lavender HDI machine. I'd have thought you'd catch the antennae and the strange plates. I'll be getting a black helicopter as soon as my appropriation in the black budget comes thru... (LOL)

stealth in Hawthorne,

Dyna Sluyter

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