At 10:25 AM 9/30/03 -0700, JKurtis Ballantine wrote:
The police were told that he started a fight at the meeting. All witnesses to the incident said there was no such activity. The attack was provoked by the security guard and "other" unsavory characters.
Kurt Ballantine
South Mpls

This points out one of the problems with the way MPD and other police departments do their work--they rarely actually investigate anything. They take the word of whoever calls them and arrests the other person. So, if two people are in a dispute, whoever gets to the phone first wins.

One of the cases CUAPB worked on was of a woman who was assaulted by her former boss when she arrived to pick up her final pay check. The former boss underpaid her and when she asked about the missing hours of pay, the boss became unhinged and threw a heavy metal adding machine at the woman and gashed her arm. The boss then called the police, who came and arrested the woman who had been assaulted, despite her obvious injuries. I should explain that the woman who was assaulted is Mebrat Yeazizw, an Ethiopian immigrant. The boss? Geralyn Mornson, who a few weeks later led police on a high-speed chase in Richfield and killed a jogger. By the way, there were plenty of witnesses at the scene who saw Mornson assault Yeazizw. Problem was, police never questioned them or even took witness statements for later. They took the word of the (white) business owner without question.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

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