Jim Bernstein states:

"Pensions are earned. They are not welfare."

Vicky replies:

We need some arithmetic here.

If you contribute $50,000 to your retirement plan, and draw $500,000
of benefits after you retire, who pays the difference?

In the case of public pensions (including social security), the
taxpayers pay - as long as they are willing and able to do so.  Some
call it welfare, but I call it a Ponzi scheme that is destined to
fail.  The only way for it to work would be to find millions and
millions of new taxpayers who are willing to support those who
preceded them.  Keep in mind the boomer population bulge (pun

Minneapolis specific:  How much is a former City Council person
expecting to receive?  At what age?  I remember reading that he or she
can expect a monthly income equal to 75% of his or her highest salary.
Who knows what they include as "salary" for the calculation, but let's
assume $60,000 per year.

If these numbers are correct, a former Council Member would receive
$45,000 per year, plus first class healthcare for 10, 20, 30 years.
That kind of annuity is worth a lot -- in the millions.  How much did
he or she pay for the annuity?  Not much.

It would be nice if someone from the City would give us the correct
numbers so that we can do these calculations accurately.

We must stop pretending that money comes from Heaven.  All of It comes
from someone else's pocket.

Vicky Heller
North Oaks

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