The very fact that you can list in a short email the number of people of color in power in the local or federal government (and I don't mean to imply that Krasnoff's list is complete--there are a few he missed) is all the proof that is needed that institutional racism is alive and well.

Michelle Gross
Bryn Mawr

At 03:25 PM 10/19/03 -0500, WizardMarks wrote:
Neal Krasnoff wrote:

Gen. Colin Powell, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Justice Clarence Thomas,
Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, Chief William K. Finney.

WM: Mr. Krasnoff is confusing the presence of a few people of color with the institutional nature of racism. Any of the above people has only a very limited ability to change the institutionalized racism that we are subjected to and then only if he/she were to set out to do so. That would certainly exclude both Rice and Thomas (Hightower, Thieves in High Places). SSB and Finney had/have very little power to address institutionalized racism.

WizardMarks, Central

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