On Tuesday, October 21, 2003, at 10:26 PM, Tamir Nolley wrote:

We are dealing with two sets of sterotypes, one that
black people on the Norhtside are drug dealers and bad
(and therefore it's OK for cops to do whatever they
want to them...Dyna won't say it out loud, but these
clearly seem to be her views),

Gee, Tamir, I didn;t realize you were inside my head and evesdropping on my every thought! And when someone disagrees with you and the issues in question involve race, is calling your opponent in debate a racist the best argument you can make?

and that cops have to
be brutal thugs by nature, or that they are not
effective.  Also, that anyone concerned about police
brutality supports crime.

Your stereotype, not mine.

I just returned from a trip to Tucson Arizona, and I
read about the Minneapolis incident in the Arizona
Daily Star.  It struck me that in Tuscon, despite the
usual obnoxious cop attitude, the police really do try
to help everyone, even the "freaks."  I think that
this is because the people who live there don't have
this fundamental resentment of those who are
different, either by race or by choice.

I've seen the same courtesy and service from police in several cities, including Minneapolis.

From the moment I stepped off the plane, I noticed how
angry we are.  I heard people complaning about the
Somalis, about Black people, about the gutter punks
and the hippies and how they wished they'd all go

Your mail wouldn't move without the labors of Somalis, Blacks, etc....

If you support what happened to Mr. Porter, you
support police brutality and you do so for racist, (or
predjudice) reasons.

We have yet to see proof, or evidence for that matter, that anything happened to Mr. Porter.

If you support what happened to Al Flowers (or Bryce
Williams..I'm still not clear on this one exactly, but
I know the Minneapolis Police Department and I still
say that there isn't a good one in the lot,  and even
since I cut my hair I haven't met one that looked
anything other than mean) you support police brutality
and do so for predjudice reasons.

I suppose you think all us Postal Workers are part of the conspiracy too.

I'm waiting to see who starts making excuses for the
behavior of Bill Finney's son, and I'll bet it's the
same people who are supporting police brutality but
won't openly say it. ( I know this is St. Paul, but
since so many people seem to think that Finney is the
answer to all of our problems I thought I'd throw that
out there.)

I've met Chief Finney a couple times and he's a regular guy- quite friendly and approachable. In contrast to the Minneapolis incident where there is not a single eye witness to Mr. Porters alleged assault, their are several credible witnesses to the St.Paul incident.

I also noticed criticism from people I respect of many
of CUAPB's statements.  I am one of the founding
members of this organization, and I've known Michelle
for years.  There's no conspiricy against cops, no
false statements, no coddling of criminals.  Just a
buch of people from ALL walks of life who are
horrified (as were a bunch of cops I talked to in
Arizona) at the behavior of the Minneapolis Police

What "behavior"- a 6 time loser gets busted again while awaiting sentencing and dreams up a story that his favorite body cavity for stashing crack was invaded by a toilet plunger?

I think it's a horrible irony that the only people
(besides CUAPB and the traditional activist group who
are willing to do anything about it is the
Ashcroft/Mueller FBI.

More conspiracy theories...

I think the fact that the MPD can't go for two weeks
without a brutality allegation, and hasn't done so in
years, should have risen enough eyebrows that the
problem should have been taken care of years ago.

Just about every day someone gets quite justifably arrested and screams "police brutality" like a baby deprived of some treat.

I'm not really suprised at the MPD's behavior, I am
however shocked, ashamed and angry at the prominent
Minneapolis residents who quietly support and
obviously approve of the racist acts of police

Again, you forget that these are alleged and unproven acts of "police brutality". Mr. Porter has been given fair trials and convicted no less than 6 times in 7 years of felonies.

PS, Dyna, I thought you moved to the suburbs, why
would you care?

I write tonight from my second home in Starbuck, Minnesota. It's nice and peaceful here but the same Republicans at the state capital that have been starving Minneapolis are Starving Starbuck too. There's a supplemental school bond referendum coming up on the November ballot and I'm supporting it.

standing up in Starbuck,

Dyna Sluyter

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