POINT OF INFORMATION:  Wizard Marks wrote "At the same time, those other
than the school board who defended Jennings' appointment did so on the
basis that he was white."  This is not true.  I cannot speak for others
on the Issue Forum but for myself, my enthusiastic support for the
appointment of Dave Jennings had nothing to do with his being white.  I
am quite certain however, that others on the Issues Forum who also
supported Dave Jennings did not do so because he was white.  

Again speaking for myself, I believe the Minneapolis School Board chose
wisely when it asked Dave Jennings to be the new superintendent; I
believe that much of the objection to his appointment from certain
"community leaders" was driven more because he was white than the
professed claims of process and qualifications.  

I believe that most people who supported Dave Jennings did so because of
who he is, what he has accomplished, not what color he is.  Sadly, there
are people who will support only a person of the same color or the same
gender for any office.  I am embarrassed to admit it, but I do know
people who will not vote for anyone who isn't white or, in a few cases
anyone who isn't a white male. Thankfully, that is only a handful of

When Wizard Marks asserts that all who supported Dave Jennings did so
only because of is white, that is well . . . a kind of race baiting.  It
is demeaning and grossly unfair. 

Jim Bernstein

-----Original Message-----
Of WizardMarks
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2003 4:17 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Racism; hairsplitting, vetting; board meetings


>In a message dated 10/22/2003 3:21:34 AM Central Daylight Time, 
>>The community school plan was not an attempt to separate the races.
It was
>> an attempt to recover money for education that had futilely been
spent on
>> transportation.  The notion back when the courts imposed busing was
that by
>> balancing populations in schools, the learning gap between races
>> gradually disappear.  That gap hasn't improved at all.  So, why not
>> something else after decades of trying out what was, at best, a
>> After all, what was busing REALLY about? 
WM: The return to community schools was also predicated on the notion 
that kids who went to school together and lived near each other would 
bond into their own neighborhoods and be better embraced by their near 
neighbors as a result.

>The segregationists, the folks who opposed racial integration predicted
>there would not be a significant reduction in the achievement gap
because what 
>happens in the classroom has very little effect on academic achievement

>independent of other factors, like home environment, genetic
>African-American culture, etc. That was a theory proven wrong. Data on
>achievement, collected and broken down by race, income, etc., showed
that the gap was 
>being closed in the 1970s and early 1980s.
>A blue ribbon panel picked by the Reagan-Bush administration issued a
>in April 1983 entitled "A Nation at Risk," which raised the alarm about
>"rising tide of mediocrity," i.e., the gap was being closed at the
expense of the 
>high achievers. However, that claim was not backed up with any
evidence, and a 
>subsequent review of educational data by the Sandia National
Laboratories did 
>not support that claim (the Sandia Report). ...That position is
consistent with the comment about the failure of a black superintendent
to close the gap in the passage I 
>quoted. I simply noted that the initial position staked out by Bill
>stinks (that the next superintendent should be black).
WM: At the same time, those other than the school board who defended 
Jennings' appointment did so on the basis that he was white. Even if the

black superintendent did not close the learning gap, backing Jennings--a

man without the background and only 21 months devoted to education, 
implies that his whiteness (I'd include maleness and middleclassness as 
well) somehow outweighs those glaring lacks. On another level, it is 
true that since A Nation at Risk, set the wheels in motion to erase the 
gains made in the sixties and seventies (a report so fraught with race 
and class bias as to be virtually unreadable), I don't feel confident in

blaming school boards for the gap. However, it makes no difference, 
since the outcomes as a result of that report have had the effect of 
re-institutionalizing  race and class bias that had slowly coming apart 
into the system of school governance.

>I suspect the process selected by the board 
>includes brainstorming sessions, then a narrowing down of options that
is guided by the board, resulting in recommendations that will be pretty
much ignored in the actual search process.
WM: I think this is an unfair assessment. They will do the best they can

to consider as many points as they can. They've been more than 
adequately warned that any choice has to have more consideration than 
the previous choice may have had. They will ignore Bill English's 
position and have been forced to set aside their own position. Whether 
they are so beset that they are unable to listen with their good ears 
remains to be seen, but I sure don't want to damn them ahead of the 
process. Those who objected got what they wanted, a more careful look at

the situation of choosing a super.

>WizardMarks, Central
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