In a message dated 12/21/2003 11:20:59 PM Central Standard Time, 
WM: But in the end, we still got another straight, white male. Ho and 
then hum. I'm not impressed. This guy does not necessarily ever think 
outside his privilege. There appears to be no reason for him to do so, 
since his privilege has stood him in good stead, advanced his career, 
etc. No matter how you slice it, we're getting a pig in a poke (no 
disrespect to officers intended). We have no idea whether he will prove 
out, whether he will move in a year or two. We know virtually nothing 
about him
I have to disagree with you Wizard, he thinks outside of his privilege 
if for no other reason than his family.  First, though, your second line is
really unfair in that none of the candidates "necessarily think outside their 
but there are certain matters in which each one has demonstrated their 
outside their privilege, and McManus is no exception.  If you want to learn 
about him
as I did, a quick search on Google will find you some of the following:

Allow me to highlight a few key lines showing how he "thinks outside his 
*Dayton Police Chief William McManus today announced organizational changes 
that will streamline the Police Department structure and create the opportunity 
for more minorities to be added to the command staff
* Serves as department's liaison to gay and lesbian community. (This is from 
the Dayton bio)
* Increased morale by elimination double-standard discipline.

And that's just five minutes worth of work, anybody really interested in 
finding out about McManus will not have a problem.  More to the point, he has an 
interracial marriage and family.  As a member of both of these myself, I can 
tell you that you cannot seriously be a part of either and not think outside 
your privilege.  McManus has gone over and above the call of duty and regardless 
of who you wanted or liked, that kind of committment deserves and demands ones 

A lot of people wanted other people.  I wanted an internal candidate and 
specifically liked both Sharon and Lucy, but they're not the option presented and 
honestly evaluating McManus calls for one to look at what is necessary to fill 
the role, and whether or not he has what it takes, not whether or not he's 
your favorite.  Unfortunately, that's what a lot of people are doing and coming 
up with ghost fears like "we don't know anything about him" and "he might 
leave soon".  Well I've already shown that you can find something in five minutes 
on the internet and as for "mights", MN might get hit by a tornado tomorrow, 
highly unlikely but it "might" happen.  Doesn't mean you should stay indoors.

After listening to the man, talking with him and his wife, doing a little 
research and talking with the committee, I think he is the right person for the 
job, and I would encourage anyone serious about this to take a good hard look 
at him...through eyes unclouded by preference.  I think what you see will make 
a world of difference.

Jonathan Palmer
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