
Thanks for your thoughtful response, although I disagree with you on a few 
points.  That's alright though, as you said, there's more than one way to skin a 
cat, and it's good to have many opinions represented.  Mark already said what 
I would have to Chris, so I'll respond to your points.

First and foremost, I don't see Margaret as holding RT or anyone's feet to 
the fire, what I do see her doing is making a lot of noise that does not seem to 
have a purpose.  Holding RT or any other official's feet to the fire is not a 
bad thing, but it's usually something a reasonable person uses as a last 
resort.  You hold someone's feet to the fire when you've tried reasonable courses 
of action and they refuse to be reasonable, I haven't seen that happen.  What 
I've seen is Margaret jump out and "yell" at people about how bad or wrong 
they are like she's done with RT or like she did about Paul Wellstone a few days 
after he was killed (check the archives for a post about her saying Paul was 
never a true fighter for justice), and with no real objective to speak of.

What less invasive methods has Margaret tried?  What efforts has she put 
forth and what is her goal?  You say that she's tried things before, if you could 
point them out to me it might make this more understandable, but all I've 
heard is Margaret's anecdotal recounts of what she's done, I haven't seen or heard 
anything anywhere else.  I've heard Margaret's statements of "facts" but 
haven't seen any evidence to support it. Take for example you're recounting of 
anti-camping ordinances.  To begin with, we have just Margaret's word that she 
did all of the things that she says, but even if she did do things in that 
manner, there is no "less invasive" part to it.  

I first heard of Margaret when she decided to make a video and have a camp 
out to protest the anti-camping ordinance.  She was doing this because "across 
the nation" they were being used against poor and homeless people according to 
her.  Now, she didn't cite that it was happening in Minneapolis, she didn't 
cite how it was being used against people, but she did demand that it be 
repealed and stated that she was holding the protest and filming the documentary, 
which did, incidently, get her quite noticed.

So since you believe as I do that activism begins with the least invasive 
approach and then is ramped up as necessary, help me understand when Margaret has 
taken a least invasive approach?  I don't see anything prior to her bursting 
on the scenes and demanding that this ordinance be repealed.  And I have yet 
to see some evidence that it is being used in Minneapolis in the manner in 
which she says it is.  More to the point, I have yet to see what goals or plans 
Margaret has or what she wants to or has accomplished besides making a name for 

You say that RT has been silent on the homeless, I say remember the State of 
the City address in 2002 being held in the newly constructed People Serving 
People shelter?  The fundraiser may be an ideal place to confront the Mayor, but 
it would be on his promise on campaign fundraising not on homeless because 
there is no connection.  Sure the Mayor and the City and all of us could do 
better on homeless and other issues, but don't you need to have an idea of what 
you want to accomplish first and why before you demand that it be done?

I agree wholeheartedly with holding someone's feet to the fire (although I 
disagree that this is the only way to get RT to accomplish things) when they are 
not following through, but I've yet to see that crucial first step of 
speaking reasonably to a person and presenting the issue as well as a proposed 
solution.  What I do see is Margaret "yelling" at the Mayor's office for things like 
counting shelter beds.  Interesting thing about that is that they changed 
that, once they became aware, according to them.

So support the tactics if you think it's the right thing to do, but I think 
it's missing the reasonable, rational part of less invasive initial steps, 
which is why I offered to help Margaret with them.  She refuses to work with me on 
them or to even present goals and objectives and for that reason I can't 
support her tactics or methods.  More to the point, I can't find a use for them, 
and without that, all she is doing is drawing attention, efforts and resources 
away from actually addressing the real problem.

But I like to consider myself a reasonable person (my wife says different at 
least as far as watching The Daily Show is concerned), so please educate me if 
I'm missing something.  Show me where Margaret's taken these other steps or 
followed the path that you and I both think is right, and I'll be the first 
person standing outside that fundraiser decrying the Mayor, otherwise I've got to 
continue really working on the issues and that includes exposing the truth 
all through this situation.

Jonathan Palmer
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