I am assuming that this is a letter to the Council Members as it refers to 
telephone conversations, but, as with much of the conversation centering around 
the McManus nomination, I think it misses a key point, supporting or not 
supporting McManus really has nothing to do with Lubinski or Gerold as candidates.  
This is not a election, it's a nomination; and there is only one nominee, 
McManus.  And support or non-support of his nomination should be based on whether 
he's the right person for the job, not if you liked someone else.

Like many people in this discussion, I too wanted an internal candidate.  I 
have worked with both candidates in the past and even sit on a board with 
Gerold.  I liked them both so much that like many other people supporting them, I 
didn't bother to look at any of the other candidates. That was until it was put 
out that McManus was going to be the nominee.  It was then that I did what 
anyone considering and especially voicing support on any of these candidates 
should do, took a look at McManus.  And I've got to say that out of all the 
candidates, he is the best person for the job.

Now what many people don't understand is that saying he's the best does not 
translate into Lubinski or Gerold not being good candidates or not being 
qualified. To say that it does is to be disingenous.  They are good candidates or 
else they would not have made it to the final five.  And were either of them to 
get the job, I do believe that they would do a good job and work hard, that 
does not mean, however, that they would do the best job.  There is no way to say 
this definitively, because neither one has been in that role yet; McManus has.

And that's what the job and the appointment is really about, ability and 
experience.  Can you do the job?  While I believe Gerold and Lubinski can, I know 
that McManus will, and that's a subtle distinction that in my mind makes all 
the difference.  

It is well and good to hope for things, but pause has to be given for real 
examination.  If you're going to say a reason to support the internal candidates 
is the work they did on Mediation, then you also have to give equal time to 
that same 15 years that they were a part of this system that degraded to the 
point of needing it.  If you're going to give credit for severe budget cuts, you 
have to give more of it to the Mayor, whose budget it is, and who is also 
making the nomination.  If you're going to advance the argument that the 
appointment of a woman or member of the GLBT community is essential to indicating the 
City's commitment to diversity and affirmative action, you have to recognize 
that the previous Mayor was a woman of color and that affirmative action's 
purpose is to level the playing; compensating historical disenfranchisement and 
presenting preference when all other things are equal, not to substitute for 
ability and experience.  And in those areas, McManus has more.

Most important to remember is that not supporting McManus does not give the 
job to either internal candidate, the field had been narrowed to two before 
this, and the other choice was Moose.  Gerold and Lubinski could have been the 
fourth and fifth choice, and if we went through all the candidates to get to one 
of them, how much confidence would the community have in either knowing they 
were the last two, or how much confidence would they have in their own job.  
More to the point, if you're just advancing the "I just want one of the 
internal candidates" what does that say about the good experience and the fine unique 
qualities that each one brings to the job that they are lumped together with 
their sole defining characteristic being that they're internal or a woman or a 

The bottom line is that we have the nomination of a good person with the 
capabilities to do the job for Chief of Police.  He is the most experienced and 
qualified and he should be judged on these merits, not on who one liked 
personally or politically.  I've heard a lot of people talk about why they wanted 
Gerold or Lubinski and how good they would be, but no one giving a legitimate 
reason why McManus is not qualified or the best person for the job.  He deserves 
that level of fair and unbiased consideration, and so does the City of 
Minneapolis and its citizenry.  . 

Jonathan Palmer
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