To follow up:

Chris Johnson says: "You have an awfully strange and
uncommon definition of "dismisses" when you claim
Mayor Rybak dismissed the citizen committee."

Reply: As a member of the committee, I admit to being
touchy on this issue, and I feel dismissed when the
mayor says "But in many cases we continue to make
decisions independently of each other and in the
process suck up more operating expenses.... Example: A
library sits across the street from Rosevelt [sic]
School but when there were conversations to build a
new one, the choice was to move it further away,
instead of across the street into the school where
both students AND the community could use it....and
staffing could be shared."

Read it the way you want to, but I call that
dismissive. The decisions were not made independently
of each other, as he claims. In addition, the
committee discussed many options, including the school
connection, with all of the partners at the table.
(The school rep insisted they couldn't afford to staff
or maintain the library in their own building.) The
committee determined that the new location would be
more cost efficient (making Roosevelt ADA compliant
would be a huge expense) and serve more people.

Sean Ryan asks: "Speaking of the Roosevelt Library,
what is the status of the so called 'mixed use'

Reply: it's all on hold, and I believe will be
reconsidered sometime this year as the library system
does it's capital planning. The mixed-use issue gets a
lot of discussion but it is separate from whether
there should be a new building in a new location.

Jim Berg
Corcoran Neighborhood

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