Mr. Monroe, who obviously is part owner of the Hard Times Cafe could not be 
more wrong on all counts.

1. Your place is a public accommodation, and as such, has an obligation not to 
disciminate - against nonsmokers as much as a person of color, which I'm sure 
you do not. I've tried going into that nice, funky little place, only to have 
to run right out again. In fact, if the smoking ban goes into effect, your 
customers will have no choice - every place like yours in Minneapolis (and St. 
Paul, we hope) will be nonsmoking. Where to go if your competition cannot 
offer smoking as an option.

Not only will you NOT lose customers - or money - the record elsewhere is that 
businesses have seen their revenues and profits multiply.

I've noticed that the loudest screamers vs. a smoking ban are business owners 
who themselves smoke. It's really the curtailing of *their* smoking in their 
own places that's bugging them, not the fact that patrons can't.

Furthermore, as a business licensed to handle food and drink, you're already 
regulated for protecting the public health as you are for many other state and 
local regulations. Clean air in a public accommodation is a matter of public 
health, period. Even for the smokers in your place. Certainly for your 

It is the job of the city to protect the public. This is protecting the 
public. And by the way, the old Riv went out of business for a hunfred other 
reasons - not their smoking ban. Even if a few moved to the Hard Times over 
smoking, it's because they had that choice. With a 
citywide/metrowide/statewide ban, customers who want to smoke will have to 
leave town or the state just to smoke for the 2 hours they're eating. Ain't 
worth it, pal, and once more, without smoking, you open your arms to the 70-
80% of the population that doesn't smoke.

Your business and every business will see increases in business, and if that's 
what really worries you, worry no more. But something tells me an increase in 
business is not the prime issue here.

Andy Driscoll
St. Paul

Quoting brian monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>      As part owner of a coffee shop in Mpls I am very concerned about the 
> impending smoking ban. At this point it seems the only hope of avoiding it 
> is the mayor's veto.
>       I feel that people misuse the term public. I own a Private business or
> establishment. There are many bars and restaurants to choose from. It is 
> different than the post office or airport that are publically owned or that 
> their is no alterative. People don't have to come in at all, so I have to 
> try to cater to what they want. If the demand for smoke free places is so 
> high from the people wouldn't their be more smoke free bars? It seems that a
> majority of our customers smoke and with our climate I don't think they 
> should have to freeze outside in Jan. to do so. (that doesn't seem healthy 
> either) If people don't want any smoke at all there is another coffeeshop 
> across the street that is smoke free. Years ago the New Riverside Cafe was 
> also across the street. We inherited alot of their regular customers when 
> they decided to become smoke free. Many people there looked at the smoke 
> free decision as the final nail in their coffin.
>      Another concern I have is that the sidewalk in front of here is too 
> skinny to allow sidewalk seating (i.e. a smoking section) but other places 
> have big enough sidewalks. If they ban smoking they will force me to 
> alienate most of my customers and likely force them to go somewhere else. Or
> even worse they will loiter out front smoking and the city will come down on
> us again.
>     The city council should and does have better things to worry about. For 
> example keeping the smoke free libraries open more than a few hours every 
> other day.
>                    Brian Monroe
>                    2nd ward
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