I will ask you as I have Booker, what evidence you have for any of this?  
What makes it an "elite social club"? How do you know this?  What do they do that 
you're defining as elite?  What proof do you have for your assertions that it 
"joined forces" to do anything?  It would be real nice if those of you making 
accusations could provide some support for what your saying rather than 
merely making unsubstantiated claims.  Perhaps while you're doing this you can 
comment on the "elite" nature of their HBCU bus trips, high school student 
scholarship awards, adopt-a-family programs and Juneteenth activities just to name a 
few.  I would expect if they were an "elite social club" that they would be 
sitting on the veranda, drinking mint julips and eating tea biscuits over the 
latest gossip rather than doing volunteer and service work, but maybe you have a 
different definition of "elite"...

And I'm unclear how "RT made his pick before the screening / selection 
process was done, and without opportunities for public comment." when this is the 
same process that the Police Chief search followed.  The opportunity for public 
comment comes at the public hearing once the nomination goes through Exec. 

More to the point,  the finalists were announced mid-April.  The advisory 
panel well before that, at any point anyone could have called, written or emailed 
to RT, Natalie Johnson-Lee or any advisory panel member and "commented".  And 
isn't want you're doing now making public comment?  I'm unclear how you can 
legitimately make this statement and would appreciate you expanded on how this 
process hasn't been fair.  Because again, I've yet to hear a valid concern.

On to Booker's point about the degree, I too, was concerned about it...until 
the situation was explained to me, and whoever sent you [Booker] the 
information either didn't know the whole story or intentionally left it out, but my 
understanding is that she thought she completed her degree, she walked in 
commencement, and went on with her life.  She just recently found out that there was 
some snafu with a few credits (I think a professor who forgot to turn in a 
grade or something) and the professor has since passed away.  She is currently 
rectifying the situation, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong on any of this.

It is not a flag for me because junk like this happens and it's not the same 
as dropping out of school or never going.  And for those of you who think jobs 
are the key to empowerment vs. education, I would think that seeing how much 
she's accomplished since that time would be impressive to you.

Again, let's raise the level of debate.  Let's take a serious look at the 
nominee and the issues, and ask the serious questions.  Making unfounded or 
incomplete accusations doesn't get us to the truth faster, it merely obfuscates the 
situation and creates more confusion.  More to the point its disingenous and 
beneath anyone who is legitimately concerned about this position.

Let's leave the phantom fears and menaces for the next bad Star Wars 

Jonathan Palmer

In a message dated 4/30/2004 2:33:56 PM Central Standard Time, 
I agree with Mr. Hodges that as much care should be taken to engage the 
community in the process of selecting the head of the Minneapolis Civil Rights 
Department as was taken in selecting the police chief. We need to talk about how 
civil rights enforcement is going to be done before deciding who is the best 
qualified to do it.

However, RT made his pick before the screening / selection process was done, 
and without opportunities for public comment.

We have a civil rights problem in Minneapolis that is no less serious than 
the police conduct problem. Just consider the issue of race-based discrimination 
in the job and housing markets. The city can take some steps to enforce fair 
housing and employment laws that it (and the state and federal governments) 
have not taken. Why isn't that happening?

I do not question Jayne Khalifa's qualifications for any number of top 
administrative jobs. However, I am concerned that she may be too well-connected. A 
organization to which Ms. Khalifa is afilliated, the Links, for example, is the 
elite social club that joined forces with DFL politicians to install the 
current leadership of the Minneapolis NAACP back in 1999.  Hello.

Doug Mann, King Field 
Minneapolis school board candidate
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