why is it when any somali writes about our issues they are pawns of sabri?gemgram does seem to have a personal vendetta with this,why is he so involved?he does not live in the neighborhood nor own any business here.As for the meeting all the people who attended from the mall let us know exactly what happened.
We are tired of all this interference in our affairs.We would like to conduct our businesses in peace as for whittier alliance they have made their stand.They simply want to rezone somalis out of Whittier,they even hired a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR to investigate karmel mall.how does that make them an ''International community organization''.I was all for working with them until i heard about that and as i have seen a copy of that investigation,i wonder ig gemgram can refute that.The neighborhood is noy representing everyones interest,did you know that a motion was passed at the comunity meeting by the membership in support of the project?the board then had a meeting and decimated our vote.is that representation of the membership?Whittier Alliance board is the problem not the membership.How dare they investigate us.how dare they file an appeal on our behalf without consulting with the membership.who did they file an appeal for if the membership voted for the project,i think considering NRP funds are going to Whittier that they need to investigate the going ons at whittier.We are residents at whittier and we are outraged by the few board members who have decided we are not welcome here.even though our tax dollars are.

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