--Barb Lickness:

The addendum states that if the tenant,
tenant guests or other members of the household
participate in any of these crimes based on a
"preponderance of the evidence", the tenant agrees to
leave the premises voluntarily. Evidently, this helps
the landlord avoid costly housing court expenses. 

The tenant always reserves the right to go to court if
they feel they were unfairly evicted.


There's no real problem with the addendum--but it does overstate its
legal impact and effect and could in some cases be construed to mislead
tenants as to their rights.  A landlord and tenant cannot voluntarily
'waive' any right of the tenant to require the landlord to go to court
to determine whether or not the tenant violated the lease and should be
evicted.  A court order is the only thing that can require a tenant to
vacate a property.  Thus, any agreement that says the tenant will
'voluntarily' vacate the property upon evidence of criminal behavior has
no real legal effect--i.e., its not enforceable other than to evict the
tenant in court. The landlord cannot simply say "you engaged in criminal
behavior, according to our contract, you must now voluntarily leave."
If the tenant disagrees with the evidence or the landlord or even has a
bone to chew with the whole thing, the landlord must bring a court
action and prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the criminal
behavior occurred.  Sophisticated, so-called criminally-minded tenants,
know this.  So do unsophisticated non-criminally minded attorneys who
say to the landlord "OK, show me the beef."

I think the Addendum does provide some limited educational function and
notice to tenants as to what is expected and what is deemed obviously
unacceptable behavior.  But it's really just a different way to set out
state law, probably in a more understandable way.  Why CCP/SAFE hangs
its hat so regularly and forcefully on these addendums is a bit strange
if not humorous, actually.

Gregory Luce
St. Paul

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