gemgram wrote:

One of the great things about Minneapolis is that people can openly live as they wish, without too much fear.

* Two summers ago, some clown with an electric megaphone stood in
the parking lot of Goodyear Tires and aimed tons of hate speech at
our house for two weekends until I got the city to put a stop to
it for being gay. * Not so many years ago a man living in Phillips spent a lot of time
trying to plug his ears against the people from the church across
from his 11th Av. house. They marched with picket signs and lots
of hate speech directed at him for being gay.
* Charles Autrey, a scene designer who died a very few years ago in
Phillips, was beat up repeatedly by bar patrons until he bit one's
thumb off--for being gay.
* Children younger than school age regularly have come past my house
yelling "faggot" (a term they probably don't understand, but their
parents do).
* A guy living over near 34th and 4th Av. got the p-waddy beat out
of him less than 2 years ago for being gay.
* A guy who lives on Park Av. south of 33rd St. got beaten bloody
two summers ago by his next door neighbor for being gay.
* A state legislator from Stillwater is proudly a member of the
Christian Missionary Alliance, a group that dooms gays to hell
every Sunday in church and consider it their mission to make life
miserable for GLBT people--my ex grew up with that claptrap and it
has made her a miserable adult.

If the entire elected officialdom of Minneapolis and Minnesota were GLBT, it would not make a difference. Karen Clark gets hate calls and mail at the legislature--tons of it. (BTW, SSB got death threats the whole time she was in office for being Black, female, and in office.)

Minneapolis may be a special place and clearly those of us who choose to live here believe that. However, government sponsored hatefulness can change all that in a very short time. Putting anti-GLBT amendments in the Constitution is one way to achieve the goal of getting hateful people to feel they can rise up and murder their neighbors with impunity. Carl Marx said "religion is the opiate of the people." Not true. Religion can and does cause slaughter over and over and over. And it would not stop at the gate to Minneapolis since it's already here and looking for bigger outlets.

WizardMarks, Central


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