Vicky Heller said:

"Quite the contrary, my standard of living has been drastically reduced and my 
personal liberty
has been curtailed government actions."

I say:

I am weary of Ms. Heller's endless attacks on good government. At least I know what to expect and can hit the "delete" rather than subject myself to another tirade. But I managed to pick the above line up and feel that I need to respond.

It is only the government that has stood between the ordinary citizen and pauperization at the hands of rapacious capitalism that Ms. Heller supports. That includes the government of the city
of Minneapolis even more now that the federal government is totally in the hands of rapacious capitalists who veil themselves behind the Republican party. Plus we still have a governor and
one house of the legislature devoted to that same cause.

It is a pity that Ms. Heller stoutly refuses to recognize the benefits she has and who maintains
those benefits against those who would take them away. I only hope that she does not live to see how wrong she is in whom she places her faith.

Steve Cross
Prospect Park

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