Mike Nelson
I just came home from my precinct caucus.
I seriously doubt I will be returning.
When we were in the process of filling our allotted number of
delegates,we had more volunteers than open positions. Someone made a
suggestion regarding how we might eliminate some people.
The suggestion: " I think anyone who is a white male should step
I didn't even stay to hear the rest of her suggestion. I left.

As another white male in a predominantly black neighborhood (Near North) I can say that over the last 24 years I have NEVER run into a serious problem when running for delegate, alternate or other office. We always try to have a mix of white, black, hispanic, asian, native american, male and female.

I am sorry you experienced this at your caucus, Mike, but wouldn't that be the perfect time to remind people that the DFL is the party of INCLUSION not EXCLUSION. Walking out, while it may feel good at the moment, ends up being a disservice to the rest of the attendees who may well have agreed with you given half a chance.

Don't give up on the party over one incident. Get out their and bring your friends to next year's caucuses so you can form your own subcaucus!

Steven M Nelson
Willard Hay

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