People like Mr. Strand have always had the choice to patronize clubs and
restaurants that did not allow smoking. People like Mr. Strand and the city
council just felt it necessary to have a law passed increasing the number of
choices available. In doing so, the ban actually removes choice. Apparently
a sizeable portion of the populice is unable to decide to stay out of places
that are not healthy for them and need a law to dictate their choices for
them. Thanks, freedom fighters. Like I've said before....I don't like rap
"music," so I stay out of places that play it. If you don't like smoke, why
on earth can't you just stay out of smoky bars? What is so tough about it?

I trust people like Mr. Strand will now be patronizing the local VFWs and
American Legions and Cardinal Bars and Adrians that you didn't go into lest
you have a three-day recovery time. See you there, right?

Life ain't fair, sir, and your respiratory allergies should not deny a
business owner the right to run a business the way he or she sees fit
concerning a legal product that the state makes a lot of money on.
Apparently business owners have to now cater to your allergies so you can
feel more "socially free."

This city is screwed up.

Mike Thompson

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Strand" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Statewide Smoking Ban

> Hmmm... this issue is not likely to go away as
> yesterday Rhode Island became the seventh state to
> pass a comprehensive statewide ban more similiar to
> the strict version still alive in the Minnesota State
> Senate.
> I for one will be visiting nightclubs, bars and
> restaurants in Minneapolis and Hennepin County far
> more frequently following the ban than I did
> previously precisely because they will know be
> accessible to me since I have become able to be in
> smoky environments without becoming seriously ill(due
> to respiratory allergies).
> I love to go out clubbing and out to eat but it's not
> worth a three day recovery time involving lots of
> antihistamines, inhalers, and missed work which is
> what it has come to for me personally.
> I will feel far more socially free in Minneapolis and
> Hennepin with the coming ban and look forward to it
> with anticipation.
> David Strand
> --- Michael Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks be to G-d above that this silly legislation
> > went exactly where it
> > should, in the proverbial ashcan (pun intended).
> >
> > Maybe the Minneapolis city council will realize that
> > their efforts to
> > "protect workers" really put them out of step with
> > rationality. On second
> > thought, I doubt it.
> >
> >
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