Chris Johnson wrote:

> Again, it wasn't scripted.

Prove that. Or, provide any evidence at all. It sure looked scripted to me.

Prove a negative? Fat chance. The burden of proof lies with the accuser, not the accused. Proof doesn't even mean anything in this context.

Let's see, 3 students who happened to be residents of Minneapolis -- after it was pointed out very publically that half the supporters deluging the board commissioners with letters of support did not live in Minneapois -- all got up and in their own words called for support of DeLaSalle. Just coincidentally, WCCO cameras were in the audience, when they have never been there before in much more heated and controversial and newsworthy situations. And just coincidentally, John Derus was in the audience. And just as coincidentally, the audience was full of other DeLaSalle students, many of whom approached the commissioners right after the 3 students spoke (an unusual act in itself -- normally members of the public/audience do not walk up to and interact with the commissioners during the meeting), and handed them letters of support. There was no coordination between any of the students, parents, faculty or alumni on this? Give me a break. It was a perfect marketing ploy.

It's called organizing. It's a powerful tool and I for one am glad our children are learning the skill. If you want to give up your own power in the public arena, then that's your decision but you cannot take that power from anyone else.

So what if the media was there?  That's great!  Residents should
have conducted their own media campaign if it's such an important
issue.  If the students know an influential person who can get
the cameras there...well...that's that pesky organizing thing again.
The power lies with those who decide to take action.

What's the average amount of community service donated by high school students on a per school basis? Is DeLaSalle unusual in this regard?

Better yet, why is it relevant to this discussion?

Again, I'm not invested either way in this issue.  But I _am_ invested
in getting people to use their power in the public arena.  I'm tired of
people who complain that they don't have a voice when there are other
people who REALLY ARE politically muzzled.  We all need to intentially
BUILD our voice and be courageous enough to use it.  As often as I
disagree with certain people on this list, I greatly admire their
ability to just go and get things done without complaining -- too
much  :).

It sounds like the De LaSalle students gave us a textbook lesson in
effective public action.  Hopefully we'll all learn from their example.

David Greene
The Wedge
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