Where did Hennepin County officials get the the million dollars to bribe with...and the money belongs to whom?!
Well, let the under the table deals begin...Stupid is as stupid does..where are the other areas that might be so enriched?

If the stadium is such a money making investment...why have the businesses not stepped up to the plate to pay for it.
It is for their economic good according to all reports coming from the Commissioners. Could it be they have the knowledge and stats from other cities that our Commissioners seem to lack?

If the do- nothings sitting over in St. Paul, being so critical of the way Minneapolis spends it's money, then why are they jumping
on the band wagon saying we should get further in debt with a stadium? We already pay a half percent more sales tax than the rest of the
state. Let's raise the state to 7 percent across the board... then call that little hike a *user fee* so political powers can say they did not raise taxes. I guess that is just a little lie...people won't notice. Won't it be interesting if this is one of only three things that might get done over at the Leg. this year...anyone that votes for the stadium should help pay for it.

Dorie Gallagher

From the Minneapolis observer/Elizabeth Wielinski
Interesting bit of information from Annie Young today: It seems that Hennepin County officials are bribing the Park Board to endorse the stadium plan, promising an additional $1 million in park funding if they climb aboard. Young did not say whether she would vote for such an endorsement, but noted that “A million bucks is hard to turn down when you’re broke.”

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