> States McL: "The fact of the matter is, we've got a crime problem in
> Minneapolis."
> RT replies: "It's a page from Karl Rove's book: scare people so they'll
> vote for you."
> Now this honks me off more than a little bit. What in heaven's name is
> RT smokin?

RT can deny the escelating crime problem all he wants. The citizens know
better. We see it. Others may try to point out police statistics that
indicate fewer arrests. This is the result of shifting police patrol
priorities (to revenue generating ticket writing - Rybak's policy), and
inadequete police numbers (thanks to Rybak's budget priorities). Over the
span of one week, on my normally pleasant, realtively quiet block, there was
a drive-by shooting, the intended victims being a group of teenage (and
younger) kids in the alley behind my house. My neighbor's upstairs window
was shot out. The next morning, I awoke to an alley freshly spray-painted
(nearly every garage on the block) with gang tags. The next weekend, the
other side of my block was blocked off by police, with the most police line
tape I've ever seen used anywhere roping off dozens of houses on two
streets. The Mothers Day ambush shooting which was on the news, and many of
you are probably familliar with.

While my best friend, Gary Schiff has been concerning himself with leaf
blowers, cigarettes, and idling semis, our neighborhood is being taken over
by violent gangs. People are getting killed. My alley has suddenly become an
outdoor drug mall.

I'm no fan of McLaughlin, but if given no other options, he'll get my vote
over Rybak in a heartbeat. I suggest that the entire bunch of our elected
city representatives be tossed out on their ears this November. Let's elect
some people who will deal with real problems, not try to gloss them over to
do business with shady developers, and focus on pet projects. It's time for
a clean sweep.

> Yes, we have a crime problem in Mpls. and it is not a Karl Rovism to
> point it out quite forcefully.
> Yes, the budget changes RT made did negatively impact police service
> (and library services, and park services, and etc.). Each of which
> contributed to the current and endlessly on-going crime problem.
> Admittedly, of the two, I think McLaughlin is the better choice. RT's
> defense, in my estimate, should put a lot of delegates right in
> McLaughlin's pocket Saturday if, and only if, delegates think about the
> city's needs as a whole in choosing an endorsee.

Dan McGrath

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