The tactical debate about the significance of the convention and its events are interesting. However, there has been little discussion, if any, about substantive issues, if any, underlying the convention dynamics. It would seem more interesting and informative to hear about the substantive issues, if any. It does seem strange the an incumbent with apparently broad, albeit superficial popularity, would be denied an endorsement based on a challenger who does not seem to have raised any specific substantive criticisms. In the 2001 convention, there were many specific issues that people held against the incumbent, beginning with $100s of millions in corporate tax subsidies. Rybak became somewhat of a champion of most issues where people were critical of the previous administration. He has now sold out big time on at least the stadium issue, but his opponent is even more active and consistent with the same position.

For those who supported Mclaughlin, were there any substantive policy reasons for their decision? Was it just a matter of style preference, boredeom, or non-policy reason?

Thanks in advace for the enlightenment.

Jordan S. Kushner
Golden Valley
Minneapolis resident and participant in Mpls conventions for 14 years

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