An element of conflict in any discussion is a  very good thing, it shows that 
everybody's taking part and nobody's being left  out. I like  that.
-Jimmy Stewart as Elwood P. Dowd in Harvey

This has been one of the most  interesting discussions on this list in 
awhile. And while I don't agree with  everyone, most of the discussion is civil 
honest, and that's a good thing in  my opinion.  The most entertaining of 
which have been Jim Graham's  campaigning for Peter disguised as anecdotal 
parables and Charlie Murphy True  Hollywood Stories type yarns.  I especially 
the "tales of a foolish  Somali Leader".  Me, I was surrounded mostly by Europe 
descended White  folks so I don't think my stories are as entertaining.

But the real  point, (and ribbing of Jim aside), I think we have a tendency 
to get lost in  partisanship, candidate bias and campaign rhetoric rather than 
viewing this as  an opportunity for democracry to be in action.  Here we have 
two qualified  candidates with great support and rather than spending 
countless hours making  unsubstantiated claims of how bad one or another 
candidate is, 
it would be  refreshing to have all of the campaigns talk about why they're 
person is the  best one for the job rather than why they think they're just 
better than one of  the others.  If you're candidate is really just over the 
incredible  whip cream with a cherry on top, you should not even need to 
mention the other  candidate to talk about how good yours is.

There is, however, a dark  underside, and that's opinion presented as fact.  
To be clear, I think  Peter's folks deserve a lot of credit and respect for 
the organization and  support they brought to the convention on Saturday.  It 
definitely dealt a  blow, and they should take pride in that.  But at the same 
time you can't  call it victory if your goal was endorsement, and you didn't 
get it.  You  can't call it winning by being ahead on every ballot, because you 
weren't able  to close the loop and reach your goal of endorsement. And you 
can't call RT's  supporters disrespectful for leaving (especially considering 
Dyna's points that  Peter's people would not let those getting refreshment back 
in; and I've heard  this from more than one person), they did what they had to 
to support their  candidate, just as I'm sure Peter's would have done what 
they had to.  And  were the positions reversed, I'd be saying the same thing 
about Peter's  campaign.

With apologies to Public Enemy, don't believe the hype! RT  hasn't lost 
neighborhood leaders, there are many across the city that not only  support, 
worked the convention floor for him on Saturday. RT hasn't tried to  crush the 
neighborhoods and dismantle NRP, he doesn't hate Police and Fire  Departments, 
and look for every chance to cut their funding, and he definitely  hasn't 
squandered the City's funding.  Truth be told, he's done an  incredible job 
with a 
horrible budget and drastic cuts and it's very easy to  take potshots when 
you're outside the job, not easy to be sitting in the chair  and have to decide 
between essential services which one you're going to have to  cut because of 
low funding resources.

Bottom line, if you support Peter,  good for you, go with the person you 
believe in, but support him because you  think he's the best person for the 
not because you're mad at or dislike  RT.  Me, I like RT, I think he's done a 
good job.  No public official  is perfect, but I also haven't seen one try as 
hard as him.  I believe in  him and what he does and will support him all the 
way through  November.

Jonathan Palmer

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