In a message dated 5/20/2005 8:51:34 AM Central Standard Time,  

A young man apologizes for his comments and your response is to try to  add 
fuel to the fire. What does the NAACP have to do with whether what Mr.  
Hodges or 
Mr. Samuels said was wrong? I applaud that young man for having  the courage 
to admit his mistake. I only hope that Mr. Samuels has the same  courage. 
time for healing.

You know Michelle, I have to disagree with you on several  regards.  Not 
about your comments to Doug, but about a young man admitting  his mistake, 
apologizing and having courage.  It does take courage to  apologize.  An 
apology is 
an admission of error followed by an expression  of regret.  That's all.  The 
moment you add a qualification for your  actions, it ceases to be an apology, 
and it becomes an explanation to justify  behavior.  Booker didn't apologized 
for his actions, he apologized for any  "undue stress" it caused and any 
problems his comments caused, while qualifying  that he thought Don had taken 
out of context.  He never admitted any  error, merely lamented over the impact. 
 This was not an apology, it  was a justification for his actions and and 
opportunity to defend himself as he  did in the second paragraph.

I didn't agree or find Don's "big house"  comments appropriate because I knew 
how they translated.  I believe he  meant them with the best of intentions, 
but it was the wrong approach....and I  told him so.  But what I did was pull 
him to the side, sit down with him  and tell him why I thought it was wrong and 
that I thought he shouldn't make the  speech again.  I didn't go on a TV show 
and make overt or veiled threats, I  didn't assault him at a convention or 
community meeting, I didn't go on a radio  show or write articles.  I simply 
talked to him.  And in a civil  society among rational people, that's how we 
settle differences....if settling  differences is your intent.  Further you 
all credibilty to criticize  people for talking about the "big house" when in 
the same breath you call anyone  "niggas", "niggers" or any variation thereof.  
You cannot cast that first  stone while "sinning" at the same time.

I too am willing to believe that  both were taken out of context, however, 
the difference is that Don was  attempting to utilize a poor choice of words 
example to illustrate his and  his wife's commitment to the community as well 
as what he felt the youth  needed.  Booker's comments had the sole intent of 
attacking he  and other's have done consistently since he took 
office.  Time after time,  I have watched he and his colleagues assault Don for 
differences of opinion or  lack of information, such as when Target gave a 
of African American  leaders focused on community development $300K for 
business development in the  African American business community. Because Don 
convened the group, they  accused him of getting the money to line his own 
pockets and feed his war chest,  even naming him "poverty pimp of the month".  
date, that money still  sits at the Minneapolis Foundation, where it always 
has, while the group  deliberates over the use.

There is a difference between intellectual  discourse/criticism of public 
officials and slander/defamation of  character/harassment.  While you may 
consider both Booker and Don's  comments wrong, Don did not have the intent nor 
focus on an individual that  Booker had, and that makes a huge difference.  
There has to be a level of  accountability within our community such that when 
one does wrong, we let them  know and address it appropriately, but the first 
step has to be in a civil  manner, else we lose the ability to relate to one 
another, interact, and engage  polite and respectful dialogue.  It's okay to 
disagree vehemently, it's  okay to criticize and critique, but if you cannot do 
civilly, if you cannot  first discuss and engage in respectful dialogue, then 
you lose the moral  highground you believe yourself to be on.  I've watched 
Don try and sit  down with Booker and work out there differences and discuss 
appropriate  behavior.  Perhaps if Booker is really sincere in his regret, he 
will  initiate the same thing and then the real healing can begin.

Jonathan  Palmer
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