On one level, this is merely a PR teapot tempest. All involved will benefit from the controversy. I don't see any real risk for the library or PR firm other than a flood of letters and e-mails. What is the chance of litigation? Who would be litigated against, by whom, and on what grounds?

On a deeper and more significant level, I find the ads to reflect our brutal culture, which is obsessed with death-dealing power.

We currently spend more than the rest of the world combined to kill, imprison, and torture people. We have a history of massacre behind us (beginning with Native Americans and continuing through direct interventions or via proxies throughout the world.) J. Edgar Hoover presided over COINTELPRO, if my memory is correct, along with other brutal and repressive programs definitely in violation of law and Constitution.

How do we appropriate these images? How do we remember these people and their ideas in context?

My guess is that most people will see this as a clever joke, and go on about their business. Meanwhile, someone if molding primitive prosthetic limbs for another child maimed this week from cluster-bomb bomblets dropped illegally over 40 years ago in Cambodia. Someone in Baghdad is screaming raw rage at a brutal empire that killed son, daughter, brother, sister for the power over Iraq's oilfields.

And meanwhile, politicians and media in Minneapolis, Minnesota bow down before the notion that we deserve life to go on unchanged for us until the planted is exhausted and polluted beyond its ability to support human life.

Will we continue to accept never-ending brutal warfare to support life in our comfort bubble, until we choke on our own industrial excrement?

Will we continue to design urban infrastructure that absolutely demands war and planet-rape to supply it with enough energy to run?

These are the questions that the library campaign brings to mind. And one more. Will anyone in Minneapolis really give a damn?

-- pedaling for peace and ecojustice from Lynnhurst -- Gary Hoover
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