Another person asked me the same question off list, and it had more or less the 
same tone, so let me apologize to Tim and to all of the DFL delegates who are 
offended that non-DFLers would want to hear from one of two candidates who have 
a good likelyhood of becoming the next Mayor.  
Many have made it clear that the DFL is no place for someone who wants to 
change the "perfectly well run" system of Minneapolis government or believes 
different views should be expressed.  The Minneapolis DFL apparently is also no 
place for someone who simply wants to see how the largest political party in 
Minneapolis works, and maybe learn a thing or two.  Some of you have certainly 
made it clear that it is no place for me.
I apologize for daring to attend your convention.  I see that I was wrong and I 
will make sure that I tell people that the Minneapolis DFL is not an open tent, 
regardless of whether or not you share certain views with some of the 
candidates.  I will not attend another DFL convention and will urge my freinds 
to do the same.   Fortunately for me, there is a sharp, confident Green Mayoral 
candidate in Farheen Hakim.  I hope some good IP candidates also step forward.
At least those parties get to hear from their council and park board candidates.
Tamir Nolley
Ward of the Almighty President!

Tim Bonham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1. So why were you, Tamir, as a "Green Partsian", attending a 
Convention intended for DFL Party members? Just wanted to see a Convention 
that was 4,900% bigger than the Green Party Convention? And why do you 
care how the other party runs its' Convention, anyway?

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