On Friday, May 27, 2005, at 02:33  PM, Dorie Rae Gallagher wrote:

So those of us who complained... need to volunteer more time, give more money?? Perhaps...but I really don't think so...what we need to do is change policy...a policy that is not set by the Minneapolis Public Library. Public opinion can do just that and create a positive solution instead
of foible banter from and for the unknown!

Changing policy on the basis of a television story and a web page of images of books in a dumpster would result in bad policy. We don't know at this point whether the policy should be amended or not or whether the law can be changed. Both of those are being examined and will be again in the future. But this has to come from some rational starting place.

I agree that creating a positive solution is what we should be seeking, but that positive direction does not necessarily mean keeping every piece of material or giving it away. It could mean keeping the policy as it is. That will not please everyone, public policy almost never does please everyone.

It may seem simple to assign library staff to handle the materials in such a way that none ever wind up in the dumpsters but the cost of doing that is enormous. The library system is short of cash and short of personnel. The focus of what we have to do is serve the public coming in the front doors and through the web site. That is where the resources must be dedicated.

To swerve away from that to what a television report is wagging its finger over would be a neglect of duty, in my opinion.

I sincerely hope that we can begin to see that this is not about books in the dumpster. It is about serving the public with the highest quality of services the system can offer given its severely limited resources. We are in a very serious revenue crunch in the Minneapolis library system. We need every person to help us get those revenues back.

Please spend your energies by calling and writing the state legislature and governor and telling them we need our Local Government Aid restored.

Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Minneapolis, MN
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414

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