Hi Liz:
Thanks for the thoughtful post. My understanding is that currently the plot of 
land on Nicollet Island that DeLaSalle wants to use for the playing field is 
not generating any revenue. Am I incorrect? Also, is there some other plan for 
turning that plot into something that generates revenue?
Nikki Carlson
Linden Hills
-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Wielinski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Minneapolis Issues <mpls@mnforum.org>
Sent: Tue, 7 Jun 2005 08:45:59 -0500
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Taking the "Recreation" out of "Minneapolis Park & 
Recreation Board"

The issue of giving the land away could come back and haunt the Park Board just 
like the sale of the Fuji-Ya site. With the Fuji-Ya site the legislature kept a 
substantial amount and the rest of the money derived from the sale was shared 
with strings attached. The MPRB is short $2.5 million a year in their forestry 
budget ( per the Minneapolis Tree Commission ) , and their usual sources of 
income other than our property taxes, LGA, Metro Park dollars, funds from the 
LCMR, and fees from non MPRB teams etc... are all under attack ( even the golf 
courses are running behind with all of this rain ). The Park Board will 
regardless of their decision probably spend quite a bit defending itself in a 
lawsuit filed by one side or the other with the DeLaSalle issue, meanwhile 
something is going to have to give. Cuts will probably fall pretty hard on the 
RECREATION side of the budget as the other parts have been pared to the bone. 
How will this new field help? Maybe if DeLaSalle was payin
 g the going rate for leasing that property I would breathe easier. And in case 
you didn't notice it isn't being called a lease, that would involve a 
super-majority vote. 
  As to bringing religion into the picture, I believe Chris Johnson in his post 
included private not just religious institutions in his examples. He could have 
also included charter schools ( quasi -private ) in the equation and I'm sure 
many are located next to parks as well. 
  Speaking of the 2006 budget... how is that looking Commissioners????? 
Liz Wielinski T-ball mom ( yes, I am trying to keep recreation available!!!! ) 
Columbia Park 
Who would like to thank the Skyway News for sharing DeLaSalle's proposal with 
the public as it was not available to the audience at the June 1 meeting. 
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