Jay Clark made a comment on The List in 2001; I offered a comment I had 
written elsewhere and a year earlier, to The List, in response. The matter of 
Landlord duty and vilification is rolling back in to The List, and that is OK. 
it is not a new topic here. Opinionated pundits should look to The List 
Archive to see what ground has been covered already; I did.

Keith Reitman NearNorth

In a message dated 11/12/01 12:00:23 AM Central Standard Time, 

<< So at least in Jordan, don't blame Cramer, Cherryhomes, Yanisch, or
 anybody else from downtown.  Boarded houses came down because that was
 what the neighbors wanted.
 Jay Clark
 Cooper >>

Downward spiral: drug house/boarded house/vacant lot/repeat", topic by KEITH 
REITMAN/not the best or the worst landlord, October 04, 2000 10:11 pm CST
"Why must we allow narrow minded MPLS. policy to munch our 
residential/commercial building stock in North Mpls and South Core 
neighborhoods? And for what benefit.

 After I sat in on a large public meeting 
in Joe Biernat's Northside Ward and listened to Hillary Freeman extoll the 
wonders of this city's Nuisance Ordinance I was left with a very hollow 
feeling. This lady spoke of Criminal buildings as if they were alive and had 
legs and needed to be punished for their evil behaviors. The only mention of 
criminal sanctions for human beings was to be against landlords (property 
owners). That seemed to comfort many of the sincere homesteaders in this 
desperate, frustrated, and shell-shocked audience of survivors but I know the 
shooters have just moved over. We have huge problems to solve but we must 
define them properly before we can start to solve them. EQUAL PROTECTION 
UNDER THE LAW means to me that each of us is entitled to a clean, quiet, safe 
street to live, work, walk, or do commerce. 

Why does the city offer our tough 
neighborhood mainly one big, fat simple solution when we report that people 
our doing criminal behavior at a particular residence or store front? Namely, 
"give us the address (as if they don't know it) and we'll knock it down". 

Sadly, I know what its like to live next to a drug house and I know what its 
like to live in a 4-plex where one criminal occupant or more is a drug 
addict, cause I been there. It's dangerous and disruptive and totally 
unacceptable but boarding buildings won't stop criminals unless you nail the 
building shut with the criminal inside, then knock it down. Folks, I quickly 
remind you that we can't do that remedy mentioned above cause its not humane 
and it would be murder, but when 11 year olds are killed by stray bullets at 
crap games...well...Lets explore real solutions and please, lets keep all 
stakeholders in the circle. Yes, even landlords and criminals." ---PS---It is 
a fact that NRP money was generously used to demo private property. Enough 
per property to have, perhaps, sponsored the preservation of same.  I agree 
with Jay Clark that neighbors cheered demolition, like peasants caught up in 
the French Revolution as heads rolled. I respond in, rebuttal of Jay Clark, I 
"...blame Cramer, Cherryhomes, Yanisch..." and.."...anybody else from 
downtown..." that was in the ruling Regime! Cause neighborhoods had to choose 
among the crude options contrived Downtown. When there was no bread in 
Jordan, our DT Marie Antoinettes bulldozed our cake.

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