A less-than-super day for superintendents in the Monday Strib:

"Peebles' job may be on the line: Minneapolis superintendent to meet with
school board today," by Steve Brandt (top of page A1)

From Steve Brandt's story, "Feelings about Peebles often fall along racial lines." Before we make this a racial thing, let's hear what Lydia Lee and Sharon Henry-Blythe have to say. Of the teachers I've talked to about Peebles, I can't find any racial component in the opinion. Same goes for parents. If anything, the black teachers and parents have disavowed a connection to her "style."

And for the record, I know plenty white folks who were very much against Jennings' ill-advised appointment. I can show you copies of my letters to board members opposing Jennings, which I started writing as soon as Lori Sturdevant did her pre-appointment profile piece recommending him for the job.

Let's not manufacture a racial problem if one doesn't exist.

Dan McGuire
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