I've been a community activist for almost my entire adult life and I've
never as astonished as I was this morning to read in the Star Tribune that
Park Commissioner Dziedzic thinks that twenty years from now the current
leadership of the Park Board "will be viewed as visionary" in re the
building of the new headquarters and the hiring of John Gurban. I don't
really have an opinion about the new park headquarters but I certainly have
an opinion about the Park superintendent's behavior regarding free speech in
the parks.

Minneapolis parks are private property? What's really going on here? The
vision I see is one of whittling away at park services - outsourcing,
privatizing, creating private profit at park users' expense; positing
"shared-use agreements" that would remove park land from unfettered public
use to the benefit of private entities; blatant cronyism in the very hiring
of this superintendent; determined efforts to insulate the Park Board from
interactions with the public during public proceedings ...

The "vision" I see is profoundly anti-democratic, authoritarian, and an
egregious attempt to turn one of our most treasured civic assets - our park
system - into something private, all right, according to the saying "what's
yours is mine"!

When The Star Tribune's reporter Rochelle Olson refers to the reformers as
"outside groups", I am reminded of then City Council member Dziedzic's
annoyed description of us urban renewal activists as "professional citizens"

way back in the 1970s when sweetheart contracts were a tacky reality in the
city's redevelopment process.

Be happy that we stick our collective necks out, folks. Using the park
police to stifle political expression is so third-world. Is this the vision
we want in our history books? 

Fred Markus, Ward 6, Phillips West

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