Please note that CeaseFire, Chicago's violence prevention partnership, can be found at _http://www.ceasefirechicago.org/_ (http://www.ceasefirechicago.org/) . offer their assessment of its possible usefulness for Minneapolis.
It's hard to tell from a web site whether or not the program is effective. However, I do see some real advantages to starting from a public health perspective and keeping the first position in the hands of a doctor (depends on the doctor, of course, wouldn't want Bill Frist who can diagnose from video tape--or so he says).

In Central we have been exploring this idea for the last four or five years in the PEACE Project which also begins from a public health perspective. It has had a very positive effect on the lives and work lives of those who have stuck with the Project and did the long term training process. For the most part, the MPD was not thrilled with the idea, for whatever reasons I do not know. But the program does challenge each person to operate towards themselves and others from a public health perspective. It's much less wearing on the nerves, for one thing. And it goes past the notion of throw away people to support for people who are changing their lives in a positive fashion.

Since what we are looking for in anti-crime efforts (I'm assuming) is a change in behavior on the part of those who are committing crimes, it has the value of allowing that conversation to take place.

WizardMarks, Central

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