In regard to Jason C. Stone's comments regarding free speech in public 
hearings of the MPRB, the ordinance section (from Chap. 2) that I cited (and 
Vreeland as well I see in reading back on this topic) would be irrelevant; that 
chapter addresses activities in the parks. Open meetings of various 
committees and/or/of MPRB would be governed by state law and Chapter 11 of the 
Board ordinances. It is pretty well routine for any government body hearing 
public testimony to schedule it in any appropriate place in a given agenda; 
can call it limiting public input, but as a too frequent attendee of these 
sorts of hearings, I am glad there are limits--possibly the worst thing here is 
not getting anything done rather than limiting public comment. Though I haven't 
read all the park board chapters, I don't see anything regarding political 
campaigning anywhere else; I think political buttons or displayed 
would be okay anywhere on public property in Minnesota (or the USA) outside of 
election polls. If Gurban or MPRB have policies that are inconsistent with 
their own ordinance, state law, or the US Constitution, I think they have quite 
a rewrite project on their hands.

As far as any defense of Gurban or the Park Board commissioners involved in 
unlawfully restricting Mr. Stone's right to freedom of expression, I don't 
think there is one. Like Stone, I'm not a legal expert either, but this seems 
a clear case of prejudicial abuse of authority (not because I've personally 
outlined the clear case, but because I like saying and writing "prejudicial 
abuse of authority."). Gurban should just resign and the public can vote out 
offending commissioners and start from scratch using folks with a modicum of 
knowledge of how MPRB fits into our federal system. MPRB's supposed 
independence is well defined by state and federal law; Gurban and more than a 
commissioners have abused that independence through deliberate bone headed 
of the law--they should go now with thanks for their service in whatever 
actual good they have accomplished outside the shaky lucidity of testosterone 
like they exhibited in the Stone incident. 

Bill Kahn
Prospect Park 
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