> I am really glad they put photo-cop on the the corner of 28th and Portland. 
> Sometime back the city installed a no turn on red at that corner at the 
> request of the many senior and physically challenged residents who live at 
> Ebenezer and other large apartment buildings close by. They had a very 
> difficult time crossing the street at 27th and Park. Adding the no turn on 
> red at 28th and Park helped to provide some extra time for them to cross the 
> street safely. However, people in a hurry to get downtown ignore the no turn 
> on red sign and turn there anyway. The photo-cop may serve as a deterrent to 
> people wanting to ignore the sign.

Will photo cop be able to catch the no turn on red turners? 
Can you turn right on red where it is allowed when there is photo cop installed?

John Harris
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