While we're on the topic of New York stadia, last week the AP reported::

 Their Olympic dream suddenly revived and drastically revised, New 
York planners were immersed Monday in the tedious work of putting 
together technical proposals for the 2012 Games centered on a 
stadium in Queens....

... The revised bid hinges on a $600 million stadium to be built by 
the New York Mets in Queens, next to existing Shea Stadium, that 
would be converted into an Olympic stadium should New York City be 
selected.   The city and state would provide about $160 million in 
infrastructure and $100 million to convert the stadium from 45,000 
seats to 80,000 for the games.   Mayor Michael Bloomberg's dream of a stadium 
on the west side of 
Manhattan for $2 billion, including $600 million in city and state 
funding, died last week...

Steve Brandt

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